The kefir diet is a popular diet for weight loss. The hard option is designed for three days or seven days, when meals are scheduled by the hour, the soft - for 14 days or more. Rules and restrictions for kefir diet for effective weight loss, budget menu for each day with photos, as well as how many kilograms you can lose in a week.
How diet works
Kefir contains many nutrients necessary for the human body. The most important are prebiotics and bifidobacteria. They help the gastrointestinal tract function, normalize digestion.
At the same time, fermented milk drinks contain fewer carbohydrates, and therefore calories. The body on a kefir diet uses its own sources. Metabolism is accelerated, and extra pounds are lost.

Allowed and Prohibited Products
There are many options for kefir diet, they differ in the combination of fermented milk drinks with various products. Often-with vegetables and fruits, the advantage is a large amount of vitamins, fiber and useful micro-elements.
Preference is given to low-calorie fruits and berries, such as apples, pears, kiwis, strawberries. Any vegetables are allowed. The most commonly used cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, celery. Potatoes are found in some dietary options, despite the fact that they are high in starch.
In the kefir diet, the use of low -fat types of fish and meat is allowed, as well as cereals, especially buckwheat - there are fewer carbohydrates, but more nutrients.
The key to the success of the kefir diet is the low content of carbohydrates in the food eaten. Thus, the list of "forbidden items" includes, first of all, sweet, fatty and starchy foods. It is also recommended to reject semi -finished products, pickles, smoked meats.
Types of kefir diets differ in terms of duration, products used and the order of their use.
For three days
The difficult variety involves the use of kefir and water exclusively. The second lighter option allows for low-calorie fruits. But only on the second day of the diet.
Three days of fasting will allow you to lose weight quickly. But you should not abuse such a diet. Experts do not recommend a strict kefir diet for longer periods. Lack of nutrients can have a negative impact on the functioning of the whole body.
Nutritionist, candidate of medical science: "Mono-diet is best used in the form of fasting days, individually and according to instructions. It can be one day in the middle of the week or several days a week. Often, mono-diet is needed to stimulate weight lossbody. "
For seven days
The kefir diet for this week is more diverse in terms of products. In addition to fermented milk drinks, it involves the consumption of vegetables, fruits, meat and fish.

Every day, a certain product is added to one and a half liters of kefir. One of the diet options:
first day - four boiled potatoes;
the second - 150 grams of boiled chicken;
third - 200 grams of boiled beef;
fourth - 150 grams of boiled fish;
fifth-one kilogram of apples or a salad of any vegetable (carrots, cabbage);
in the last two days of the diet, only kefir and water remain.
Meat, potatoes and fish can be steamed. But it is important not to use salt and spices while doing this. Such a diet allows you to lose up to five kilograms of excess weight.
There is also a more difficult version of the kefir diet for seven days. You can diversify the diet on it just with kefir, water and one kilogram of apples a day. By this time, you can already lose about ten pounds.
For nine days
The nine -day kefir diet is also called "3 by 3". The diet is changed every three days. There are also more and less strict versions of such diets.
In the hard version, you can drink kefir and water for the first three days. In the next period, you can add a choice of a kilogram of apples or 100 grams of boiled meat. The other three days are also limited to two liters of kefir and clean water.
A less strict diet involves the use of buckwheat, apples or boiled chicken in combination with kefir at every stage.
This version of the nine -day diet is popular. The first three days are unloading days. There - only kefir and water. Then you can add no more than a liter of light vegetable broth or about a kilogram of salad per day. In the final stage, it is allowed to consume about 500 grams of lean cooked meat per day.
On the 21st day
The 21 -day kefir diet was developed by nutritionists of the Institute of Nutrition. It is quite gentle and allows you to get rid of ten pounds of excess weight in three weeks, without exposing the body to severe stress and strain.

The diet involves eating evenly, five to six times a day, in equal portions. You also need to drink a liter of kefir and half a liter of any liquid. It includes water, tea and even soup.
For three weeks, the main thing is to exclude sweet and high -calorie foods. Meat and fish should be low in fat and steamed or boiled. In this diet, salt is allowed, but only a little and in ready meals. Fruits and vegetables are also the basis of the diet.
Protein kefir diet
There are three, seven, or nine day diet options. Here kefir is combined with one of the high protein foods. Often it is a chicken or turkey fillet. Meat day was introduced instead of fruit and vegetable day. You can eat up to 400 grams of boiled or steamed meat per day without adding salt.
Kefir diet from a popular singer
Another type of kefir diet comes from the show business. The popular singer shared a diet that helped her lose that extra weight. The diet is also based on the use of kefir and is designed for a week. Every day until 6 pm you need to drink half a liter of kefir and eat certain foods:
the first day - 500 grams of baked potatoes;
the second - 500 grams of cheese;
the third - 500 grams of any low -calorie fruit;
fourth - 300-500 grams of boiled chicken;
fifth - 500 grams of carrots or 150 grams of dried apricots, prunes or raisins;
sixth - only drinking non -carbonated mineral water is allowed;
seventh - 500 grams of fruit.

Diet rules
For rapid weight loss on a kefir diet, you must follow the rules:
only healthy people can limit food;
food should be distributed evenly to avoid starvation;
not to engage in serious physical activity;
eat fresh food.
If you feel unwell - dizziness, abdominal pain, severe fatigue - it is necessary to stop the diet and consult a specialist to get out of the restriction regime without endangering health.
Get out of the diet
In order for the diet to meet expectations, it is important to get out of it properly. This will allow you not to lose weight loss results in the first few days. Sudden changes in diet can lead not only to weight gain, but also damage to the digestive system.
The main thing is to act gradually. During the kefir diet, the body is accustomed to receiving food in small portions. This is the principle that should be observed.
New products need to be introduced every day. Better to start with cereals, soups and salads. They will allow you to be saturated with little food and at the same time contain the necessary nutrients.
You can’t suddenly switch to fried, sweet and salty. Such dietary changes can harm the stomach and pancreas.
How to maintain the results
After completing the diet, it is important to maintain the weight at the desired level. This will help adherence to the principles of proper nutrition and physical activity.
This does not imply a complete rejection of desserts or fried steaks, but simplicity is required in everything. Water balance is also important. You can drink clean water without restrictions.

Advantages and disadvantages
The advantages of kefir diet are directly related to the main product. Fermented milk drinks are healthy in themselves. It is rich in calcium, which means bones, nails and teeth will stay strong. At the same time, kefir is very nutritious and able to beat hunger for a long time. This means that it is easier to follow such a diet. And this will allow you to achieve good results in losing weight.
There are also disadvantages. With the kefir diet, the diet becomes very limited. As a result, a person does not receive a complex of nutrients. This can affect the normal function of the organ.
In addition, these fermented milk drinks often have a laxative effect and, if used for long periods of time, can cause intestinal and digestive disorders.
Also, disadvantages include rapid weight gain after a diet if proper nutritional principles are not followed.
Nutritionists on contraindications: "The danger of a long-term mono-diet lies in its imbalance-lack of some nutrients and other advantages. For example, with a long-term protein mono-diet, gout will eventually develop. Therefore, any long-term mono-dietwill worsen health, lose body energy. Weight will be lost, but this will also lose muscle tissue. But long-term and long-term success in losing weight can not be achieved, because our cells will Capture the little they give and accumulate. The metabolic process in the body will also slow down. Any diet requires expert control. "
It is worthwhile to abandon the diet for pregnant and lactating women. During this time, you should diversify your diet with healthy foods so that both mother and baby get adequate nutrients.
It is impossible to limit food abruptly for people with gastritis and ulcers, intestinal diseases, inflammation of the pancreas, kidney failure. The use of kefir is also not recommended with high stomach acidity.
Heart failure, allergic reactions and other chronic diseases can also be contraindications to the kefir diet.
Before starting a diet, you should consult your doctor and eliminate all risks. Also, experts, such as professional nutritionists, will choose the optimal diet for weight loss.
How can you replace kefir
For weight loss, it is important to choose only natural kefir with a low fat content, preferably one or 2. 5%. You need to pay attention to life expectancy. If more than two weeks, then, most likely, there are a lot of preservatives in the drink. And it's hard to call it useful.
You can replace kefir with any fermented dairy product with the same composition - low in fat and carbohydrates. It can be yogurt without sugar and additives, fermented baked milk, ayran.
Diet dishes from kefir
After completing the diet, kefir may no longer be a favorite product. Preparing a delicious meal with this drink will help diversify your diet.

Smoothie with kefir
category | Complexity | Cooking time |
Drink | Easily | 5 minutes. |
kefir | 0, 200 l |
any berries or fruits (you can frozen or dried fruits) | 50 g |
grain | 20-30 g |
love | 5 g |
- Remove seeds from fruits and berries.
- Put all the ingredients in a blender bowl and mix until smooth.
- Pour the drink into a glass and garnish with berries or fruit.

Diet pancakes with kefir
When paired with fresh fruit and low-fat yogurt, these pancakes are a delicious and healthy breakfast.
category | Complexity | Cooking time |
Dessert | Average | 1 hour |
kefir 1% or 2. 5% | 0, 5 l |
oat flour or rye | 8 tbsp. l. |
eggs | 1 pc. |
hot water | 0. 150 l |
sugar | 5 g |
salt | feel |
vegetable oil | 0. 020 l |
- Beat eggs, sugar and salt in a bowl until smooth.
- Add kefir to the mixture and mix.
- Keep beating, add the flour gradually. You should get a thick mixture.
- Put hot boiling water into the dough and beat.
- Pour the butter into the dough and mix well. The finished mixture should have a liquid consistency.
- It is better to fry pancakes without oil in a non -stick pan.
Dietitians recommend approaching dietary restrictions responsibly and not abusing diet to pursue fashion: "In losing weight, in addition to reducing daily calorie intake, the principle of maintaining a balanced diet is important. analyze diet, interval between meals, water balance ".